Agromyza cinerascens

Agromyza cinerascens Macquart, 1835

Although this species is a grass miner, it does not belong to the nigripes-group, which group most of the Agromyza grass miner belong to. The peculiar shape of the long aedeagus indicates close relationship with Agromyza intermittens and Agromyza luteitarsis. According to Spencer, 1976 b cinerascens can be distinguished from the latter two species by the dark frons in cinerascens. For further discussion of the problem of identifying cinerascens and intermittens see the introduction to Agromyza intermittens.

Wing length: 1.8 -2.9 mm. Normally three postsutural dorsocentrals, sometimes an additional tiny presutural one. The posterior dc is the longest but the difference of the length is not extreme.
Immature stages
Posterior spiracles with three opening slits.

The larvae feed as leaf miners on grasses, pupation takes place in the soil. There is only one early generation per year.

Poaceae: Secale cereale (Europe, Japan), and various wild grasses (Spencer, 1973), Hordeum vulgare (barley) and Triticum aestivum (wheat) are known from China (Zhang and Zhang, 1988).

Probably palaearctic, known from many European countries, China and Japan.

Agromyza cinerascens was reported to be a pest on cereals in China (Zhang and Zhang, 1988). However, in Europe the species is regarded as minor pest species that mainly occurs on wild grasses (Spencer, 1973, Spencer, 1976 b).