Liriomyza xanthocera

Liriomyza xanthocera (Czerny in Czerny and Strobl, 1909)

Wing length: 1,5 - 1.6 mm. Frontorbital setulae are very tiny. Frontorbital area brown next to the eyes and yellow or light brown in the central part. Acrostichals lacking, in caudal position of the dorsocentral bristles some fine hairs can be found; legs dark except bright femora (Spencer, 1973), in contrast, the specimens at hand have dark femora with yellow knees.
The scutellum is dark.
Male terminalia
Both surstyli and bacilliform sclerites are long (Lir xanthocera ep.pct).
Immature stages
Posterior part with conspicuous subspiracular organs. Posterior spiracles with each three bulbs.

The leaf mine is initially linear, later developing into a large blotch (Bremer, 1955, Spencer, 1973). Pupation usually occurs in the soil but some individuals may remain within the mine. The mining activity is usually starting in the second half of May. At the end of June an apparently smaller second generation was observed (Bremer, 1955).

Liriomyza xanthocera is one of the polyphagous species among Agromyzidae. Spencer, 1990 listed 12 plant families, of these Brassicaceae, Malvaceae, Fabaceae and Malvaceae. Damage, however, is so far only known from Vicia faba (Fabaceae).

According to Spencer, 1990 restricted to Europe, records from various localities in Germany.

As already stated, economic damage is known from Vicia faba only. Even from this plant records are rare and restricted to some localities in Germany. Bremer, 1955 reported considerable damage in Rhineland. Numerous leaves caused loss of leaves and accordingly also yield loss. Insecticide treatment was found to be necessary. However, after 1955 no further case of Liriomyza xanthocera causing economic damage could be found in the literature.