Genus Pseudonapomyza


  • Abul-Nasr, S., S.I. El-Sherif, A.-L. Isa and A.S. Aly 1977. Relative susceptibility of certain maize and sorghum varieties to infestation with the maize leaf-miner Pseudonapomyza spicata Mall. (Diptera, Agromyzidae). Agricultural Research Review 53 (1975): 77-79; Cairo.
  • Barrion, A.T. and J.A. Litsinger 1979. New record of a rice leaf miner, Pseudonapomyza asiatica Spencer (Diptera: Agromyzidae), in the Philippines. International Rice Research Newsletter 4: 18; Manila.
  • Beri, S.K. 1971b. Immature stages of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from India. X. Taxonomy and biology of three species of Ophiomyia Brasch., Napomyza Westwood and Pseudonapomyza Hendel. Oriental Insects, Supplement 1: 177-184.
  • Cerny, M. 1992. A revision of Czechoslovak species of Pseudonapomyza Hendel, with description of four new species (Diptera, Agromyzidae). Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca 89: 451-465; Praha.
  • El-Sherif, S.I., S.E. Abul-Nasr, A.A. Isa and A.S. Ali 1978. The Biology of the Maize Leaf Miner, Pseudonapomyza spicata Mall. (Diptera, Agromyzidae). Beiträge zur tropischen Landwirtschaft und Veterinärmedizin 16: 281-288; Leipzig.
  • Khan, M.Q., D.V. Murthy and A.S. Rao 1956. Pseudonapomyza atra Meigen on paddy. Current Science 25: 266-267; Bangalore.
  • Reddy, D. Bap 1956. Pseudonapomyza atra on maize leaves. Science 25: 160; Madras.
  • Spencer, Kenneth A. 1973. Agromyzidae (Diptera) of economic importance. Series entomologica 9. Dr. W. Junk B.V., The Hague.
  • Spencer, Kenneth A. 1976b. The Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna entomologica scandinavica Vol. 5. Scandinavian Science press Klampenborg, Denmark. 606 pp.
  • Spencer, Kenneth A. 1990. Host Specialization in the World Agromyzidae (Diptera). Series entomologica 45. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
  • Zlobin, V.V. 1993a. Notes on "Pseudonapomyza spicata Malloch" from Canary and Cape Verde Islands (Diptera: Agromyzidae). International Journal of dipterological Research 4: 81-89.
  • Zlobin, V.V. 1993b. The description of a new Pseudonapomyza species from Palaearctic region (Diptera: Agromyzidae). International Journal of dipterological Research 4: 173-176.