Genus Hexomyza

Hexomyza Enderlein, 1936

This genus is closely related to Ophiomyia, most characters described for the latter genus and Ophiomyiini are also matching for Hexomyza.
Recently (von Tschirnhaus, 2000) provided new evidence for a monophyly of Hexomyza. He reported some fine hairs on the scutellum, next to the inner side of the basal scutellar bristles. These hairs have nearly the size of the acrostichal hairs on the mesonotum. According to this author, the genus can also be recognized by some peculiarities in the male genitalia.
Previously, the genus embraced only a number of species developing twig-galls on trees and broom (Cytisus scoparius). The new characters revealed that Hexomyza simplex (formerly Ophiomyia), a stem miner on asparagus, also belong to this genus.

Diagnostic note
Vibrissal fasciculus is missing in all species; facial keel is not broadened; body surface not metallic; more than two pairs of dorsocentral bristles may occur. For further characters see description of the genus Ophiomyia and species description of Hexomyza simplex.