Ophiomyia shibatsujii


  • Kato, S. 1961. Taxonomic studies on soy bean leaf and stem mining flies (Diptera, Agromyzidae) of economic importance in Japan, with descriptions of three new Species. Bulletin of the national Institute of agricultural Science (Japan). Series C 13: 171-206.
  • Liu, Y.C. 1982. Preliminary observations on the soyabean root fly (Chinese with English summary). Kunchong Zhishi (Insect Knowledge) 19(1): 10-11.
  • Spencer, Kenneth A. 1973. Agromyzidae (Diptera) of economic importance. Series entomologica 9. Dr. W. Junk B.V., The Hague.
  • Zhang, G.R., Q.F. Jin and L. Wan 1981. Soyabean root fly and its integrated control (Chinese with English summary). Zhongguo Youliao No. 2: 63-67.