Phytobia cambii

Synonyms - scientific names
Dendromyza betulae| n. sp. Kangas, 1936
Phytobia betulae| (Kangas, 1935)

The species was formally synonymized with Phytobia cambii by von Tschirnhaus, 1992. This decision based on investigations of the male genitalia of specimens reared from several host trees. The studies were conducted by the author M. von Tschirnhaus and M. Martinez. They explained differences between the drawings of the male genitalia by Spencer, 1973 due to their different positions and different exactness of the drawings. There are no other known differences between those two species. However, this view was not shared by other workers e.g. Ylioja et al., 1998 still used the name betulae.

Synonyms - common names
Cambium mining fly [English]
Poplar cambium mining fly [English]