Liriomyza flaveola (Fallén, 1823)
Unambiguous identification of the European grass mining Liriomyza spp. is very difficult since there are some sibling species. According to Spencer, 1976 b L. flaveola is closely related to Liriomyza richteri Hering, 1927 and Liriomyza infuscata Hering, 1926 which are both described and keyed out in Spencer, 1976 b and shown on Lir infuscata - richteri Sp.pct. Other related species include Liriomyza pedestris Hendel, 1931 (Lir pedestris aedeagus Sp.pct), Liriomyza phryne (Lir phryne aedeagus Sp.pct) and Liriomyza orbona (Lir orbona aedeagus Sp.pct).
Wing length: 2.1 - 2.7 mm. Hind acrostichal setulae partly directed to the midline of the body. Oviscape not laterally compressed. Margin of Eyes black, outer vertical bristles on dark cuticle. In contrast, Liriomyza phryne has both, inner and outer vertical bristles on yellow cuticle.
According to Spencer, 1973, L. flaveola resembles especially Liriomyza phryne and Liriomyza pedestris. They can be distinguished from flaveola by some external characters. L. pedestris is darker, with normally a more shining mesonotum; L. phryne has distally yellow femora along 1/2 and 1/3 of their length.
Male genitalia
Surstyli very small but still articulated, epandrium typical for Liriomyza.
Leaf miner.
Avena sativa L., Hordeum vulgare L., many other wild and pasture grasses.
The species occurs mainly on pasture grasses, less frequently also on cereals. Damage of economic importance has never been reported.