Tropicomyia flacourtiae

Tropicomyia flacourtiae (Séguy, 1951)

Identification of Tropicomyia species is very difficult. Many species differ only in very slight characters of the male aedeagus. Moreover, due to insufficient availability of type material the status of several species is not fully clarified. Hence in most cases an approximation to the species can only be achieved by the comparison of pictures of the male genitalia (see also the Genus Tropicomyia) and, to some extend also the geographical range. Identification by external characters only is absolutely impossible.

Terminal tubules very long, apical vesica 'heart-shaped'.

Epidermal miner on the upper surface. The mine frequently follows the leaf margin but may be quite irregular: it has a characteristic silvery appearance (Spencer, 1973). The life history is not known in detail, but Spencer, 1973 suggested there must be several generation per season.

Tropicomyia flacourtiae is a highly polyphagous species, Spencer, 1990 listed 21 plant families known to include hosts. Cultivated plants attacked by the species are Camellia sinensis (tea), Coffea arabica L. (coffee), Citrus sp., Gossypium sp. (cotton).

South, East and West Africa, Madagascar.

No serious damage is known to be caused by this species.