Matrix key Guide

Abbreviations and missing taxa

In the IdentifyIt module the space for text entry is limited. Therefore abbreviations are employed for three purposes: 1. for morphological terms and other words. 2. for taxa. 3. to achieve a rough classification of the available characters.

The following abbreviations were used for description of characters and states:

M1+2, R1, Sc, mm, rm, R 4+5, are wing veins see [Picture]File] wing.pct.

abd. = abdominal

ant. = antennae

betw. = between

ceph. = cephalopharyngeal skeleton

cut. = cuticle

ep. = epandrium

gr. = (taxon)-group

ivb = inner vertical bristle

oc. = ocellar

ovb = outer vertical bristle

pigm. = pigmented

post. = posterior

s. = setulae

scut. = scutellum

segm. = segmental

stern. = sternite

terg. = tergite




Mel. = Melanagromyza

Oph = Ophiomyia

Nap. = Napomyza

Chr. = Chromatomyia

Ph. = Phytomyza

huidob. = huidobrensis

L. = Liriomyza

The following abbreviations were used to classify the characters:

bio: = characters concerning bionomics and feeding traces.

imm: = characters describing immature stages in other words either larvae or puparia.

m: = male genitalia

If the sort option "alphabetical" is chosen, the groups of characters classified by an abbreviation of lower case letters, emerge at the end of the character list. Other classes of related characters (e.g. wing-characters) were also grouped together by identical, unabbreviated prefixes.

Missing taxa in the keys

Because of limited time and availability of material the following species included on the CD-ROM could not be included in the multiple entry keys:

Ophiomyia shibatsujii

Liriomyza langei

Melanagromyza koizumii

Phytobia betulivora

Phytobia pruni

Pseudonapomyza gujaratica

To find the above species in the CD-ROM check the species cards for similar and related species above; check the host plant module. It is also possible to find the species using the Find option.

Some very similar species were grouped together into separated files (Agromyza-nigripes-group, Japanagromyza, Tropicomyia and Napomyza). Therefore the members of these taxa are missing in the main identification file. The detail files containing the species can be opened either separately or from inside the main identification file.