Agromyza nigrociliata

Agromyza nigrociliata Hendel, 1931

Resembles Agromyza nigrella and Agromyza mobilis in having the costa terminating at vein R4+5 (Spencer, 1973). Squamal fringe darker than in nigrella; frons more projecting than mobilis. Wing length: 2.9 - 3.6 mm. Mesonotum densely pubescent, surface appearing mat. Abdominal tergites black with brownish posterior parts. Surface mat, due to dense pubescence. Squamal fringe light brown with dark long hairs.
Male terminalia
Distiphallus with protuberance (Ag nigrociliata aedeagus Sp.pct).
Immature stages (description and illustrations of the larvae in Hering, 1953, a concise summary in Spencer, 1973)
On each larval mandible two large upper mouth hooks and two smaller ones below. Posterior spiracles of larva and puparium with each three elongated opening slits. Anterior spiracles short with about 7 small bulbs.

As in Agromyza megalopsis, several larvae can be frequently found in the same mine. Only one generation in spring and early summer (Hering, 1953).

Many wild grasses are potential host plants capable to maintain the population. The following cultivated cereals are known to be infested: Avena sativa L. (oats), Hordeum vulgare L. (barley), Secale cereale L. (rye), Triticum aestivum L. (wheat).
Secale cereale L. (rye), Triticum aestivum L. (wheat), wild grasses.

Widespread in Europe.

Although Hering, 1953 found some yield loss near Görlitz (Germany), Spencer, 1973 regarded nigrociliata as "minor pest" because usually the species occur in small numbers. Later literature confirmed this view (Massor et al., 1989).