Liriomyza pisivora

Liriomyza pisivora Hering, 1957

Among the species mining on Pisum-leaves pisivora can be identified by the presence of more than three bulbs at larval posterior spiracles. The species is related to Liriomyza congesta. However, for a reliable identification the male genitalia have to be investigated.

Frontorbital and acrostichal bristles are sparse. Three large frontorbital bristles present, of these the apical one inwards directed. A fourth pair of small bristles is located before the larger ones. Two large posterior dorsocentral bristles, the anterior ones are not much longer than acrostichals. Femora yellow, or yellow with brownish striations. Tibiae and tarsi lightish but distinctly darker than femora.
Immature stages
Puparium yellowish brown, posterior spiracles each having 8-9 bulbs arranged in a circular form.

The leaf mines mainly are on the underside of the leaves. This is an unusual behaviour among Agromyzidae. After oviposition on the underside of the leaf the young larvae of most agromyzids usually move to the upper side almost immediately.
The larvae often adjoin leaf-veins and midribs. Pupariation occurs in the soil.

Pisum sativum L.; Hering, 1957 (p. 3, pp. 12) also found other non cultivated host species within the genera Pisum and Lathyrus.

Germany, England, probably more widespread in Europe.

Damage caused by Liriomyza pisivora is not known but the species can be regarded as potential pest on peas in Europe.