Japanagromyza aequalis

Japanagromyza aequalis Spencer, 1966

This species generally resembles Japanagromyza inaequalis, both species occur on the same host plant. For reliable identification the dissection of the male genitalia is necessary.

Wing length: 2.0 - 2.4 mm. Body subshining somewhat shivering as in Genus Melanagromyza.
Middle tibia with two strong bristles; femora broad with distinct indentations on the outer side to shelter the tibiae in resting position. The middle tibia is most striking in this respect. The indentations can vary in shape or even unrecognizable in dry specimens because of deformation.
2-3 frontorbital bristles, arista long.
Two dorsocentrals, the first one smaller, prescutellar acrostichals present; squamae white. First and second tibia with each 1 median bristle.
Male terminalia
Cerci exceptionally broad, most probably operating as clasping organ. Hypandrium long without apodeme and with rather thin frame. Aedeagus hyaline and rather long; surstyli similar as in Agromyza but more pointed and straight (instead of directed inwards).
Immature stages
Puparium pale, straw colored, the three bulbs of each posterior spiracles situated on widely separated protuberances (Spencer and Steyskal, 1986) (fig. available in Spencer and Steyskal).

The larvae form blotch mines.

Vigna luteola (Jacq.) (Fabaceae), probably also some other Vigna species.

Florida, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Antilles, Guadeloupe.

No significant infestations of cultivated plants have been recorded so far.